Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Discontinued lip colour and finding a replacement...eeek!

You know how it reach into your make up bag, happily take the lid off your favourite lipstick, think nothing of applying a few coats, pop the lid back on, drop it bag into the bag, give yourself a little pout in the mirror and then off you go on your merry way to attack the day.
When it comes to the point where you find yourself digging out the last scraps of lipstick with a cotton bud/lip brush/little finger/whatever is to hand...then you know its time to pop off to that shiny department store counter and purchase a brand new little bullet of lovliness.

What happens then, when you get to said counter, you search and you swatch, wondering to yourself "have i forgotten what the colour looked like on the way here?" 10 minutes of panic later and you ask the sales assistant "excuse me, do you have ........(insert colour of choice)?" and with a (generally blank) expression she replies either "sorry, never heard of it" or the dreaded words that no girl on a make up hunt wants to hear......"I'm sorry, its been discontinued"
Your mind goes into panic, you feel a sudden lurch in your tummy.......did you stockpile any?? is there enough left in the tube for tonight's date?? is there no counter ANYWHERE that has ONE left??

I have very recently experience this trauma myself. Now, as a Makeup Artist i have many, many lip colours to choose from in my kit BUT i only have 1 or 2 that i actually wear on a day to day basis in my personal kit.
I found and fell in love with a particular shade from MAC about 3 years ago while at the airport on my way to a weeks holiday in Lanzarote.
It was part of a cute little kit that contained 2 lipsticks and a lip gloss, utter bargain and made my day so much better. (the purchase of new make up gives me butterflies- its my addiction)

Said colour is called EAGER and its in the lustre finish that MAC do so well. I used it the entire holiday and then when i got home used it very sparingly for special occasions and nights out etc.
Its a gorgeous blushed coral that goes beautifully with a tan and a fresh summer day. (probably why i use it so sparingly as i have neither a tan on a regular basis, nor experience a fresh summers day frequently)

To my sheer despair, it has been discontinued (in the UK at least). I have searched high and low for one, been to department stores up and down the joy. *sad face*.

So, the other day while at Sydney Airport (see previous post), i mooched over to the MAC counter and once again despaired at the lack of my favourite colour. However, not wanting to be defeated i opted for a different shade and figure I'll adapt.

I tried Morange- a super juicy looking "loudmouth" orange in the MAC Amplified Creme formula, that gives a real hit of colour and really pops. For me, far too orange and nothing at all like i was looking for. Orange is a BIG trend for the upcoming season and has been spotted on Rihanna while out and about in NYC recently.
Orange lipstick looks best on golden and olive complexions so if you are more of a cool or pale tone try warming up the complexion with a touch of bronzer. With such vivid lips, its best to keep the rest of the make up simple and understated with nude skin and lashings of mascara. If eyeshadow is a must then stick with a neutral palette.

My next shot was Vegas Volt - a luscious pink coral in the MAC Amplified Creme formula again. Creamy with no shimmer or thick lustre, it can be applied in one quick swipe for a soft coral/pink or layered to build a more intense coral/orange.
Its a wonderfully beautiful Spring/Summer shade that will slot nicely into any make up bag. It brightens the complexion and looks fresh and zingy.
I'd team this with a fresh complexion, groomed brows, a touch of MAC eyeshadow in Floof! (a subtle neutral shimmer) just on the upper lid up to the socket line, oodles of lengthening black mascara and a subtle flush on the cheeks in perhaps and apricot or peach tone.

This is one that EVERY woman should have in her make up bag!

Much love,


  1. Vegas Volt looks so pretty I may need to add it to my collection soon xx

    1. Its so pretty! Had a lovely compliment the first time i wore it out the other day. Its super wearable too! (still gutted about Eager though!) lol! x

  2. Mac used to do these beautiful pen style lip colours and they had this one shade (I want to call it Rockstar; it was something like that!) that I loved but as I don't really use lipstick much, I didn't use it every day so it lasted ages. Both the finish and the colour were perfect and whilst I can get similar ones, nothing compares to that one :( GUTTED! Great post lovely xx

    1. It seems to be a bit of a "thing" with MAC. They launch a great colour, people fall in love with it and then its gone again.
      Thank you doll! First FOTD/comparison post tomorrow! xx
